When Lisa and Eric came to visit we decided to take a couple of days and go swimming in our nieghborhood pool. It was a fun time. Although Kambria liked Eric's attention, Madalyn got too jealous of it after a while. ;o)
This is Kambria holding on to Eric's back while he was swimming...
Madalyn came to play with her family. This time Kambria and Madalyn did a fairly good job of playing nicely with each other. So here are some pictures of them playing...every once in a while Weston got in on the fun too!
We decided to take a hike up horsetooth. It is called Horsetooth falls. It was a nice quick hike that was PLENTY for Kambria. She was done by the time we got back to the car. We went with MaryEllen and our friends Pat and Ashley. I think the kids did great for most of the hike and I think Kambria even enjoyed having her grandma hike with us!
I can not believe that my "little" Weston is one!!! We went to the doctors today, I know I am a mean mom to take him to the doctors and have shots on his birthday....but I did!
So here are his stats at 1 year:
Height: 31"
Weight:23 lbs, 10 oz
So he is in the 50% for both height and weight. He is definitely thinning out since he is up and walking a little now.
We had a little birthday celebration for him. Both families came and our friends Pat and Ashley.
He did not really know what was going on, but he had fun opening the presents as you can tell by the pictures.
i made a fun monkey cake and a special "cake" just for Weston to have himself, since it is tradition at their first birthday to get their own chocolate cake and have at it...Weston did not know what to make of it at first, but then got into it. He was thirsty too...and then had to have the fork!!!! What a funny guy!
We sure do love our Weston!!!! He can do so many things and is just a very precious baby! Happy birthday little man!!!!
after thought...we went and had his 1 year pictures taken! He looks so much like Bryan it is unbelievable!!! What a cutie!