Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Big girl!! POTTY TIME!

So this is a little brag session. Kambria turns 18 months tomorrow and she has already gone pee- pee in the potty! I do have to say that some of this credit, ok most of it, has to go to my mother! She noticed that Kambria had shown interest in the potty and so she bought her a little "pooh" potty that has Winnie the Pooh on the back of it! And Kambria has gone potty in it already!!! she loves to sit on it and play in the water that we have for her to put her feet helps her recognize that pee feeling... and so for now it is more of a game, but none the less it is a start! I am so proud of my little girl!


valumama said...

Welcome back!
CONGRATULATIONS on the potty news! SO BIG!!!
and what is this about not waiting to have another child/playmate... is there one in the works?

Andrews family said...

Yay Kambria! It's so good to hear from you guys! We were just talking about you the other day. Hope all is going well!

Love, Jason, Erica, & Cooper

Heather said...

Oh, I'm jealous... not potty luck here! Seriously that better not be pee in the last picture- I think I might barf! ;)

Jensen Family said...

Wow big girl! Glad to see you blogging again!

Kristy said...

I am so glad you are back. I missed hearing about your life and seeing pictures of Kambria growing up. She is such a big girl now. Going to the potty is a huge deal and since you caught it when she was interested, it should be a little easier. Or so I hear from other moms.

Jackie B. said...

glad to see all the new posts. Way to go Kambria!!

Eliza said...

Yes, Heather it is pee, but it is so watered down you can hardly tell...although I understand you are wanting to barf for other reasons too...prego people..UGH!!! ;o)

kahluakitty said...

I adore her cute baby piggy-tails! :)

Tamie said...

her little bottom is so cute! count your stars that she's interested. we tried to get so interest out of jack a few weeks back...he could have cared less..which isn't saying much. collin didn't train until 3 so i'm not pushing it until then.
the only thing that jack liked about the day was that he got to wear neat underwear, like collin. if only it was more...sigh!