Friday, December 21, 2012

First snow in Kentucky!

We woke up this morning to quite an unexpected surprise... SNOW!!!!
So of course the kids wanted to go out first thing and play in it!
I had to go in the garage and try and find all the snow stuff. Thank goodness I found most all of it
The only problem was that I did not have snow pants for he had to wear Kambria's old ones. At least he was grateful to have something to keep him warm! And Ainsley was SOOOO excited to get dressed and go outside; however once she got out there she would not walk anywhere without holding my hand.
This is all dressed and ready to go!

Kambria was so happy to have snow!!!

Ainsley saying cheese!

This was only how much snow we could pull together for a snow man, so they decided it was a snow castle, like a sand castle.

Ainsley and I were done with being outside, but Kambria and Weston still played for a while more.
After that we all came inside for some hot cocoa and how to the Grinch stole Christmas. I think we are ready for Christmas to come now...but Tess and Colin have to come first!

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