Well, today Bryan went back to work and his family are doing their own things so I figured I would come and post the pictures I have been promising for a while now...No one hurt my feeling by saying I need to post. I am glad people remind me! ;o)
So the gingerbread houses were a LOT more work than I EVER anticipated. It took us 3 days to complete them and when it came down to it, we became very bored of decorating after about an hour. So this is the finfished product. I would recommend just buying a kit for 10 dollars! Muh easier and just as fun.
We have had a major blizzard storm the last week. These pictures are from the first storm that gave us about 3 feet of snow. Bryan's work was cancelled along with the rest of the city shutting down too! A lot of people were stuck at the airport for christmas. Glad I was not flying anywhere! It was fun to be snowed in, but now there is another storm that has hit. It has given us about another 6 inches, but it is supposed to continue to snow through Sunday. Denver has shut down since they got about another foot to foot and a half last night. My mother is tired of being snowed in. But at least it is good for family ties and fun huh? I sometimes just wish I was at my families house instead of Bryan's. I just get lonesome for them. But that will come in about a month!!!! YEAH!!! I think my mother is REALLY excited to have us move in with them and have her granddaughter closer. She gets lonesome for adult girl conversations sometimes...and I love getting to oblige her and have them with her!
The next pictures are of Kambria's first sledding experience. Bryan's family went up to beaver ridge meadows and we all went sledding. Kambria stayed indoors most of the time with Bryan's sister Lisa since she is 6 months pregnant and did not want to go sledding. So that was nice to have some time to go with Bryan. Then she came outside for a while and took some pictures! It was a good old time!!!
So that has been what I have done the last couple of days...
And now I am looking forward to setting some new goal for myself and Bryan for the new year. I usually sit down and write myself a letter and seal it up until the next year. I forgot to do that last year and now I am regretting it. So that is what we're going to do for FHE come Monday night. That is my goal anyway. We will have to see if it happens.
thanks for all your support and being patient with me while I have been a slacker on posting. Love you all. Until next time.