So we had 64 degree weather here yesterday. There was a slight wind, not too bad. So Leah called me up and asked if I wanted to go to the zoo with them! I was were a little worried because Kambria started a new class through the city yesterday and it was her first time. She did great, after the first 30 min. It is an hour long class where they do crafts and singing and play time. Basically like church nursery, but it was good for her to go. It is for 4 weeks 2 times a week and she is going with her friend Riley, which make it even more fun I think. So since it went well and she was not distraught by any means, we headed to the zoo!!! Not to mention that Bryan had a half day since Joe went skiing with the VA and he did not have much to do by himself. So he got to come along!!! It was so WARM outside and was a fun time. They even got to ride the carosel...Bryan got to too, you lucky guy! :o) Kambria and Hayden had a blast together and so did Leah and Bryan and I. We chatted and laughed and had a good time! Thanks for inviting us Leah...