Thursday, March 25, 2010

Brady is engaged!

Just thought I need to post this on my blog for those of you who know him, but don't keep updated on his blog.

So the Saturday we went kite flying with my family, Brady was "engaged" but did not have the ring yet, due to not be able to pick it up from the store yet. So on the Monday after we flew kites, I get a phone call saying he is engaged...just as Rachael was already on a plane. He picked the ring up earlier that day. They were officially engaged so they could tell now...but he asked her at the temple while she was here in town! How ROMANTIC. Way to go Brady!
So...CONGRATS guys!!! We are SO excited for the both of you. We know there will be challenges...but who doesn't have them any ways. We sure do... Yours are just more obvious right now. We are excited to get to know Rachael better and to have her a part of the family. We had so much fun playing games and kite flying. We just wish we were closer so we could get to know Rachael better, but that will come in time!!! again CONGRATS!!!


Tamie said...

so exciting! my mom texted me when she found out :)

Jennifer B. said...

Yeah, congrats to Brady!

Heather said...

Yay! That is exciting news.

Kristy said...

I love all the new posts. I have been so bad about blogging. I guess too much going on. I am so excited for Brady!

Kristy said...

Eliza I need you address! You can send it to my e-mail when you get a chance.