Just thought I would post an update on my big little guy Weston. He had his 6 month checkup…just on his 7 month bday. He came in big as expected, but what wasn’t quite expected was how tall he was!!!
His stats are:
20lbs exactly = 75% I guess this has not increased a whole lot...due to him crawling!
30 inches long = 105% …where that one came from I am not sure!!!
Head circumference…not sure but I remember that he was in the 90%.
The doctor’s office we are going to is NOT my favorite place…but there are few and far between that are open to us right now due to Medicaid. But I am forceful with them and they eventually tell me his percentiles, since I guess most people are not too interested in them? They don’t even write them down for me…so I do it as soon as they tell me. But I missed remembering his head circumference…
He is such a joy. Although he is not eating food very well lately. He has discovered how to spit and so does this instead of eating cereal or baby food. I have no idea how to get him to stop it…I have tried distracting him with toys and little cheerios which he loves, but to no avail…I usually get a face full before I am finished. I figure he will eat when he is hungry, but lately he just wants to nurse…must be those shots too. Maybe one day soon he will come around to opening his mouth like he used to.
His stats are:
20lbs exactly = 75% I guess this has not increased a whole lot...due to him crawling!
30 inches long = 105% …where that one came from I am not sure!!!
Head circumference…not sure but I remember that he was in the 90%.
The doctor’s office we are going to is NOT my favorite place…but there are few and far between that are open to us right now due to Medicaid. But I am forceful with them and they eventually tell me his percentiles, since I guess most people are not too interested in them? They don’t even write them down for me…so I do it as soon as they tell me. But I missed remembering his head circumference…
He is such a joy. Although he is not eating food very well lately. He has discovered how to spit and so does this instead of eating cereal or baby food. I have no idea how to get him to stop it…I have tried distracting him with toys and little cheerios which he loves, but to no avail…I usually get a face full before I am finished. I figure he will eat when he is hungry, but lately he just wants to nurse…must be those shots too. Maybe one day soon he will come around to opening his mouth like he used to.

Aside from all this..I LOVE my little boy!!! he is so happy all the time and loves his big sister so much! All he does is grin at her...even if she is pushing or "trying" to help! And he loves his dad. He will smile for him and laugh at him, even when he is tired and cranky! We love him and are so glad he is a part of our little family!!! Thanks for being such a great boy Weston!
He's a giant! Chloe was my taller baby and she's only 29 1/2 inches at 15 months!
He's a giant! Chloe was my taller baby and she's only 29 1/2 inches at 15 months!
he is so cute! and BIG!
how is Kambria doing? I haven't read in a while, sorry to hear about the sickness going on at your house.
Your kids are so adorable, Eliza! I hope Kambria gets over her e-coli soon!
Weston is so cute! It is nice to hear that he is a happy baby. Good for you for getting what you want from the doctor's office.
You grow, Weston! Big boys are so much fun. BTW, how is Kambria doing?
He is so cute. I can't believe he is six months old already! I just love that smile!
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