Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Utah Lamprecht's

While we were in Utah we were able to see my brother Brady for a minute and enjoyed helping him put up his Christmas tree. The kids had a blast helping. Especially Kambria.

We also got to see his light show on his house. He has done some GREAT work with it this year. He even has Kermit the frog singing. We love you Brady! We also got to spend a little time seeing my Grandma and Aunt Sherie. We sure do love them lots and miss having the opportunity to see them more often. We see them about twice a year...and that is a good year!

But the kids had fun and it didn't take them near the time to be themselves around them. Kambria LOVES Sherie (but who wouldn't) and she even let Grandma "great" as we have the kids call her rock her for a minute. Thanks for the brief, but memorable time together!

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