Monday, September 22, 2008

Miller farm

Can you believe he is only 6 weeks old in this picture?

For my mother's birthday we decided to meet half way between Fort Collins and Denver. My brother found this neat farm, called Miller farm in Longmont, so we decided to give it a go. It was a BLAST!!!

However, we did not know that you would be going on a "hay ride" for about 2.5 hours to pick 8 bags of vegetables a person. We tried to do it with 5 little kids between Nelson's 3 and our 2 and it was fun, but would NOT do it ever again. Kambria ended up having a dehydration breakdown and was crying a ton! Finally Nelson walked back to the farm and got his van so we could get some water and lunch in the kids.

It was an experience to be remembered...


Tamie said...

oh my: we'll have to go once the boys see the "cars" cars...that is somethin' else...looks like it was fun, but yes, being prepared always helps with the little're lookin' good and so are both your's that goin' for you. :)

Kristy said...

Looks like you had fun. Weston and Kambria are so cute. I love your shorter hair.

Sarah and Nate said...

Looks like you guys have been busy! How fun that you got to go to Canada spur the moment! And Weston is getting SO big, I know he started off big, but he just keeps on growing! What a cutie!

Jackie B. said...

OK, those painted cars are awesome!

Anonymous said...

Love the blog and all of the pictures of the kids! You look fantastic, love the short hair!!