Friday, March 23, 2007

This weekend...

So this weekend we are going to be moving again! No not to another location for us, but another location for our STUFF! We are moving all of our stuff that is still in boxes to a storage shed instead of in my in-laws garage. We decided it would be best to give them back their garage for the summer. So we are going up to Fort Collins today and thinking about what we want to have come down to Denver and then the rest goes into a storage shed. We will still have access to it, just it will not be as accessible as it has been. But I think it is for the best. Then all my stuff will be in "one" place again. I have some stuff still in my in laws house from living there before and this way it will go back into boxes and be all together!

So Grandma Fairbanks, MaryEllen, or Bryan's mom as I call her, is finally coming home this weekend from being in Utah since Madalyn was born. It has been about 4 weeks. I know Don is excited to have is wife back and Amanda is excited to have some good home cooked meals again! and Kambria will get to see her other grandma too! She will look so big compared to Madalyn. TI will be fun!

So that is all I have for now. Until later...


Kristy said...

Have fun this weekend. It will be good to have all of your stuff in one general area.

Jackie B. said...

We are in the same process. We are boxing up everything and taking it to a storage shed. Then we will take what "we need" over to Tina & Jared's while we live with them for a little while. fun fun! Drive safe!!!

aubrey said...

hey girlie! i saw your link off of tamie's blog. i hope it's ok that i commented! sounds like you guys are doing great. your little girl is SOO cute!

Heather said...

Moving is so much fun isn't it??