What is your husband's name: Bryan George
How long have you been together: We've been together for almost 4 years now...married for 3 and some months.
How long did you date: We dated 5 months and were engaged for 3 months until the wedding. So all together it was 8 months.
Who eats more: I would have to say Bryan!
Who said I love you first: Bryan did on his parents driveway on Saturday, January 10th, 2004...I only remember that because it was the first kiss too and I had been waiting almost a month after we were officially dating for that kiss...and it came with I love you too!!!
Who is taller: Bryan...no contest there..unless I am wearing REALLY tall shoes!
Who sings better: I would have to say Bryan again...but I can hold my own!~
Who sings better: I would have to say Bryan again...but I can hold my own!~
Who is smarter: Depends on what you want to know...Finances are MINE and biology is DEFINITELY Bryan's area!
Whose temper is worse: I would have to say mine. Bryan is pretty even keeled! I spark up a little too often...but am working on it.
Who does the laundry: Me, most of the time, but Bryan would do it every so often if I asked him.
Whose temper is worse: I would have to say mine. Bryan is pretty even keeled! I spark up a little too often...but am working on it.
Who does the laundry: Me, most of the time, but Bryan would do it every so often if I asked him.
Who does the dishes: Pretty equal on that one.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed: Bryan again
Who pays the bills: Me, but I have given up the credit card bill to him so he does it too.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed: Bryan again
Who pays the bills: Me, but I have given up the credit card bill to him so he does it too.
Who cooks dinner: When we are living on our own usually me, although Bryan grills really well!
Who drives when you are together: It depends, but Bryan most of the time.
Who is more stubborn: Umm I would have to say me, but Bryan can get stubborn too!
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong: I would have to say we are both stubborn on this one. Although we have a little joke about it now that goes something like..."no you are right, and I am wrong. ;o)"
Who is more stubborn: Umm I would have to say me, but Bryan can get stubborn too!
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong: I would have to say we are both stubborn on this one. Although we have a little joke about it now that goes something like..."no you are right, and I am wrong. ;o)"
Whose parents do you see the most: Mine, but only because we are living with them right now...before it was Bryan's. I think it has been pretty even.
Who kissed who first: Bryan kissed me first! I waited a whole month for him to do it too!
Who asked who out first: Bryan asked me out first...it was kind of a hint from a mutual friend named Merrit, who I told that I wanted to go on a date with Bryan. But none-the-less he did ask.
Who proposed: Bryan did. EARLY in the morning on the top of a mountain near Horsetooth Reservoir. "I want to spend the rest of my life waking up to this," he said and got on one knee!!! I of course said yes, and cried my eyes out while we hugged for a REALLY long time!
Who is more sensitive: I think that it depends...Me with most things, Bryan when it comes to animals.
Who has more friends: I have more friends that I keep in contact with, but he knows a LOT more people than I do and knows someone EVERY where we go...it NEVER fails!
Who is more sensitive: I think that it depends...Me with most things, Bryan when it comes to animals.
Who has more friends: I have more friends that I keep in contact with, but he knows a LOT more people than I do and knows someone EVERY where we go...it NEVER fails!
Who wears the pants in the family: Bryan on most things.
Where did you meet your husband: We met originally at a young single adult conference up at Estes Park, CO but then we solidified our "know yous" at institute choir.

What was the first thing you said to your husband: I have no idea. Probably something like "nice to meet you." But I do remember our first conversation being about Rick's college and finding out he ate lunch in the cafeteria for a whole year while I worked in the cafeteria a whole year...so we probably saw each other on a daily basis and never really knew it...
Where was your first date: Our fist "official" date was bowling...but we both like to think of our first date as walking down town Fort Collins on a cold night after the wards' talent show and him buying me a steamer.
Where was your first kiss: The same night as he said I love you on his parents driveway after driving back from my brother's, sister-in-law's, and Bryan's b-day celebration in Denver. I waited a month for that one!
Where was your first kiss: The same night as he said I love you on his parents driveway after driving back from my brother's, sister-in-law's, and Bryan's b-day celebration in Denver. I waited a month for that one!
Where did you get engaged: We got engaged at the top of a mountain at 6 AM!!! I LOVED it!!
Where were you married: In the Denver Colorado Temple on August 20,2004.
How did your reception go: It was quite amazing if you ask me! We stood in the reception line the WHOLE night except for a pre-planned intermission, that I did not know about, where Bryan sang me Josh Groban's song you raise me up!!! I bawled like a baby! It just happened to be what was on our wedding invitations and "our song." After that was cake cutting, our first dance and then back to the reception line...we even had to call it quits around 10pm...it started at 7~~that was a LONG night...but it was perfect!
How did your reception go: It was quite amazing if you ask me! We stood in the reception line the WHOLE night except for a pre-planned intermission, that I did not know about, where Bryan sang me Josh Groban's song you raise me up!!! I bawled like a baby! It just happened to be what was on our wedding invitations and "our song." After that was cake cutting, our first dance and then back to the reception line...we even had to call it quits around 10pm...it started at 7~~that was a LONG night...but it was perfect!
Where was the honeymoon: In Denver. We only had 2 days and then school started. We went to a Rockies Baseball game and then the next day,since it was Sunday and we did not have anything else to do, we drove up to Estes Park and met up with his extended family who were mostly from Canada.

If you could have changed anything about it what would it have been: I just would have done a dance with my dad. It was a planned thing, but due to lack of time, we did not do it. I would liked to have done that. Other than that it was GREAT!!! and one of the best days up till now...only the birth of our daughter comes close to it.
What a fun post.
Love the post! And especially the pictures!
i'm so glad that you did the survey....i honestly forgot to tag EVERYONE that usually checks out my blog, so not that iw as ignoring you....i LOVE how he proposed to you!!!! very awesome. :) great pictures as well...it is fun to see the two of you...
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